Attendance and Absence

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Reporting an Absence

Absences should be reported on the answer machine on 01946 820356 before 8:30am.

The message must include the student’s name, tutor group, reason for absence and an expected return date.

Medical Appointments

Appointments should be made outside of the school day, if this is unavoidable they should be made to cause least disruption to learning. We will not authorise a full day unless it is absolutely necessary e.g. if travelling long distances.


The academy day starts with registration at 8:30am. Students must be in the academy building before 8:30am to ensure they are registered on time. It is a parent’s responsibility to arrange transport to school and prompt arrival. In extreme weather the journey may take longer but parents must endeavour to ensure students arrive as soon as possible.

West Lakes Academy SchoolEnforced Closure/ Bad Weather Information

The academy will notify parents of an enforced closure, this information will be distributed via social media and the academy website.

The ONLY source of academy information will be social media and the academy website.

If you have any questions about our position please check social media and the academy website. Alternatively please call reception on 01946 820356.

We WILL NOT communicate to you through your children. Parents MUST NOT arrive at the academy to pick their children up to take them home.

If we make the decision to close later in the day we will inform parents on social media and the academy website.

If there are EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES that would normally require you to pick up your child, your child is still expected to be in lessons until we are assured of the reason for taking them offsite.


To discuss attendance issues or concerns please contact our attendance officer Miss Powell on or the relevant head of year using the contacts below.

Year 7 – Mrs H Wilson –

Year 8 – Ms A Clements –

Year 9 – Miss C Thurston–

Year 10 –Mrs D Bennett –

Year 11 – Ms E Taylor –

Year 12/13 –  Mrs K Orr

Home Tutor

The academy’s home tutor, Ms Devine can provide home tuition during periods of long term absence. This could be due to an operation, during the recovery period or for other medical conditions that affect a student’s ability to attend. We also offer the inclusion centre for a phased return to lessons or for instances of broken limbs etc.

Holidays During Term Time

From 1st September 2013 changes to statutory legislation regarding pupil absence came into force. The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 state that head teachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are ‘exceptional’ circumstances.

Any absence from school will disrupt your child’s learning, regardless of their academic ability. You may consider holidays as educational but your child will still miss out on invaluable teaching that their peers will receive. Children returning from a leave of absence are unprepared as their learning builds on the teaching they have missed. This will undoubtedly have an impact on your child’s assessment scores and subsequent updates. It is your child’s responsibility to catch up on all missed class work and homework during their absence.

If you wish to take your child out of the academy during term time, you will need to complete and return the attached form to your child’s head of year. A separate form must be completed for each child. If the leave of absence does not meet the criteria for exceptional circumstances, and you nevertheless take your child out of school, it will be recorded as unauthorised leave.

Leave of Absence Request Form