The academy curriculum (in the wider sense) reflects the culture of our society; changing children’s lives through learning; having equality of access to, and acquiring, ever-deepening knowledge and ever-broadening skills that inform who they are now and who they can become in adult life.
The academy has an established transition process with well-developed links with primary schools. A two year Key Stage 3 curriculum includes a broad based curriculum which focuses on developing competencies such as communication skills, ICT skills, interpersonal skills etc. that can be used in all aspects of learning as well as subject based knowledge, skills and understanding.
The curriculum is designed to improve transition from primary education to secondary education, to increase engagement, enjoyment and motivation and accelerate progress. The curriculum at Key Stage 3 aims to raise students’ aspirations, develop knowledge, skills and understanding, and promote self-belief and self-confidence. Here at West Lakes Academy we promote learning and as a consequence develop ‘powerful learners’. We work to develop students’ learning skills and equip young people with the skills they need to be successful in the 21st century.