

Whatever your choice of career, even if you become self-employed, you will be working and involved in Business. Our courses will give you a valuable insight into different aspects of how businesses operate. They are qualifications employers recognise and value that will give you an added edge in a competitive jobs market and will add an extra dimension to your CV.

These courses provides excellent preparation for students who wish to pursue a career in the world of business or to continue on to Higher Education in this field, where there is a wide range of opportunity to combine the study of business with other academic interests.

The emphasis of the courses is on the practical application of business theories and concepts to current developments in actual businesses. As such it will help you to develop valuable research skills and an ability to work independently.

The courses involve a variety of learning methods: group work, presentations, industrial visits, and guest speakers from industry and individual assignments.

Key Stage 4

Level 1/2 Business is a two year course, where prior knowledge is not essential, the course covers a wide range of contemporary business issues including:

  • engage in the study of Business and Economics to develop as effective and independent learners;
  • use a critical approach to distinguish between fact and opinion, build arguments and make informed judgments;
  • develop and apply knowledge, understanding and skills to contemporary issues in local, national and global contexts;
  • appreciate the range of perspectives of different stakeholders in relation to business and economic activities;
  • consider the extent to which business and economic activity can be ethical and sustainable;
  • recall, select and communicate their knowledge and understanding of concepts, issues and terminology; and
  • apply skills, knowledge and understanding in a variety of contexts and in planning and carrying out investigations and tasks
Train Local, Teach Local