Our Vision
Our vision is to succeed in ‘Changing Lives through Learning’ by providing the very best possible educational opportunities for young people in West Cumbria. We have extremely high hopes for all of our students and our highly skilled and enthusiastic members of staff encourage children to have high ambitions and to work hard to achieve these.
Students and staff benefit from fantastic facilities, outstanding IT resources, a £300k engineering facility, performing and expressive arts suite and an eco-science lab in our brilliant £26m building. All this makes West Lakes Academy one of the best possible places in which to study. Our excellent environment helps keep motivation and morale high and allows us to deliver modern approaches to learning using the latest technologies.
Three sponsors were involved in the setting up of West Lakes Academy in 2008 – Sellafield Ltd, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) and the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan). All three share an ambition and motivation to support the education and development of young people in West Cumbria and to ensure that West Cumbria is an attractive, vibrant and aspirational place in which to live and work. The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and Sellafield Ltd. are two of the most important energy organisations in the UK and two of Cumbria’s largest employers; they provide invaluable resources and industry support to our specialism in science. We receive excellent higher education expertise from our education sponsor, the University of Central Lancashire.