Student Careers Advice

Key Stage 3

In Year 8, you will be introduced to software called Kudos Inspire and Launchpad to help you learn about the variety of careers available and routes into those careers.  You can access this software within the academy or from home as you will receive your own login details.  You will also participate in a WOW day (world of work day), supported by Inspira and you will spend time with a range of employers to support you with your option choices.

You will complete a careers unit in your PD lessons prior to choosing your options in Year 8 where you will reflect on your skills and interests as well as hopes and aspirations. Local businesses also support our careers education programme and ambassadors deliver assemblies to Year 7, 8 and 9 students about progression routes and options for the future.

Key Stage 4

You will continue to access the careers software which is also accessible from home, to broaden your knowledge about potential careers and opportunities. You will also participate in enterprise events and the Giving Nation programme, where you will develop key skills needed for the world of work and gain a greater understanding of, budgeting, enterprise, exploration and decision making. You will also be advised and encouraged to undertake an element of independent research into all aspects of “looking ahead”

Towards the end of Year 10, you will complete a questionnaire about your plans and aspirations and this helps to provide you with comprehensive and impartial advice.  In Year 11, all students benefit from careers interviews and all students are introduced to apprenticeships and other available options post-16. You will be invited to attend the academy’s post 16 open evening as well as a county-wide post-16 opportunities evening, where there is the opportunity to speak to a large number of local colleges and training providers about alternatives such as apprenticeships and vocational courses. You will also be made aware of open evenings for other sixth forms centres.

You will be guided and supported with the completion of application forms, personal statements and CVS.

Post 16

At sixth form, the academy will support you with your higher education or post-16 journey and tutors and the heads of year will hold regular sessions with you. You will be introduced to the UCAS application process and you will be greatly supported with this process.  Visitors speak to students in assemblies and information about student finance is shared with students and staff.

Careers guidance interviews for students in Years 12 and 13 are available by request and university open day visits can be arranged.

Come along to our Year 6 Open Evening on Thursday 19th September between 5pm and 7pm.