Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

Supporting students

Maintaining every day, regular routines wherever possible, such as, attending school and lessons whilst working towards managing mental health is key. The academy offers a range of services to help students develop positive mental health and wellbeing and support those experiencing mental health issues. The pastoral team support positive mental health and wellbeing across the academy and a number of our staff are trained in youth mental health and first aid.

To clarify, support is available from a number of areas within the academy:

  • Form tutors are well placed to be available to discuss any issues. Many things can cause a change in mental health including traumatic events (e.g. loss or separation, life changes, abuse, domestic violence or bullying).
  • Heads of year are available to provide guidance and support and can work as a link between home and school.
  • PD and PE staff have a good overview of mental health and wellbeing and teach all students in Years 7-11.
  • Our inclusion staff are experienced and eager to support.
  • Ms Tuck is available to support with both physical and mental first aid.
  • Miss Stabler & Miss Shaw leads on mental health and wellbeing across school and is always keen to support in any way possible.

Supporting staff

We take staff happiness, mental health and wellbeing seriously. We believe the following points are very important and we are working to promote and embed this:

  • We all have a mental health
  • We all need someone to talk to
  • We all need a bit of fun
  • We all need to feel part of a community
  • We all need to feel valued and successful
  • We all have the right to a work-life balance
  • A staff working group known as (STIG) will meet throughout the year and as part of this time they will discuss how as an organisation we can encourage staff happiness, mental health and wellbeing

Miss Stabler & Miss Shaw leads on mental health and wellbeing across the academy and is always keen to support in any way possible.

At West Lakes Academy we understand that having a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing is vital, and we can be better placed to respond to the individual needs of our community and work to create a culture that supports emotional wellbeing and resilience. We understand that positive mental health is equally as important as having good physical health.

The Academy has two Senior Mental Health Leads (SMHL) who’s role is to develop a strategic plan to embed positive mental health in the academy, creating an environment where our young people can thrive. The academy also have a number of staff who are Mental Health First Aiders, alongside this every year group have a non teaching pastoral lead to ensure students can be offered bespoke support.

The academy have weekly wellbeing sessions during afternoon tutor time and all students also have a personal development lesson each week to educate and support.

We also work in collaboration with a variety of agencies to ensure that the level of support required, can be put in place, this includes Family Action, Together We, Banardos, Social Prescribers, My Time and CAMHS.

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