Student Voice

Student Council

A group of elected representatives who lead their tutor groups in feedback on all matters of teaching and learning and welfare within the academy.  Regular agenda items may include; best lesson activities for learning, homework, marking and feedback from teachers. The council has been involved in choosing catering and uniform suppliers and have assisted with updating the academy’s marking and rewards policies. The council also collated the academy’s student values, which have been absorbed into the very building of the academy and now form a structure for our rewards system.

Student Council

Leadership Prefects

Each year in the autumn term, Year 10 students have the opportunity to apply for a position as a Leadership Prefect.  This is a very important role that most of our students aspire to and they are the face of West Lakes Academy on parents’ evenings and important events as well as undertaking other duties.  Leadership prefects are appointed on their strength of application and interview and have to demonstrate leadership skills, commitment to the academy and wider community.

Student Leaders

We provide leadership opportunities for all of our students, this may include showing visitors around, meeting with governors and taking part in parents’ forums.  We also have groups of students working to raise awareness on issues that have great bearing in students’ lives, this may include LGBT, mental health awareness and Autism. Students will lead on the research and share this with their peers.  Students have also been involved in lesson observations, looking at learning from the teachers’ perspective. Subject areas also provide opportunities for students across all year groups to become ambassadors or prefects.

A range of leadership roles are also available to post-16 students, these roles include head of charity, head of council and head of values.  Students can apply for these positions in Year 12.

We are proud to offer a range of leadership opportunities including subject prefects and ambassadors and these are all represented by badges.

Train Local, Teach Local