
World Book Day

West Lakes Academy students and staff celebrated the 23rd annual World Book Day which celebrates reading, authors and books.

English teacher, Katie Bell commented, “The lead up to World Book Day and World Book Day itself has been focussed on encouraging students to engage more with reading. Students have had opportunities to enter a book review competition, visit a book fair and engage in discussions and presentations about reading in lessons.

It has been an exciting week at West lakes Academy and our new student English Ambassadors have played an integral part in raising awareness of the importance of reading by interviewing staff and students across the academy and presenting the sponsored Readathon challenge, which will help provide books for children in hospital.

As well as seeing staff in character costumes, students have really enjoyed having those important conversations about reading and having the opportunity to discuss the books that they enjoy reading and why. I think the teachers have enjoyed it just as much as the students, especially being able to read a page from their all-time favourite book and to inspire a love of reading.”

Photos can be found on our Facebook page. 

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