
Coronation Celebrations

The academy has been celebrating King Charles’ Coronation this week by participating in some of the King’s passions, including horticulture and the environment, wellbeing and volunteering.

Members of the Student Council did some work in the academy garden, planting wild flowers and royal flowerbeds that are now on display at the academy entrance.

Sixth Formers have been volunteering their free time to read with younger students and have made plans to go into local primary schools to do the same.

Students also enjoyed a special coronation themed lunch and in personal development lessons they have been debating the qualities that make a good king. All students received a commemorative badge and there will also be a whole school art project using collage to decorate a bench in the academy yard.

Students shared their feedback:

Jack commented: “I really enjoyed our weekly wellbeing session in tutor time this week, we thought about how King Charles believes wellbeing is really important. We then made a wellbeing crown and we had to include 5 tips for wellbeing. One of my wellbeing tips is to stay active so I’m playing football during my lunchtime today.”

Maggie and Brooke said: “We loved the academy being decorated and the new flowerbeds outside to celebrate, it links really well to King Charles’s love of the environment.”

Demi really enjoyed wild flower planting, she commented:  “It’s really fun to be working outside and doing something that helps our school environment.”