Every week, many, many wonderful things happen at West Lakes Academy. While we celebrate these regularly within the academy, I don’t think we share these causes for celebration enough with our community so I have started this blog so that you are home can see a little more of the great things that happen at West Lakes and join in our celebration.

Last week students from Years 7 and 8 took part in an event called Smashed where they learnt all about the dangers of alcohol and substance abuse. Following the event, Mrs Wilson and some students from Year 7 were interviewed by BBC Radio Cumbria. You can hear them talking about what they learnt here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0dt1sb4 (The clip starts at about 1hr 42 minutes).

Year 9 and 10 drama students took part in a workshop run by The Theatre by the Lake. The students thoroughly enjoyed the experience and learnt a lot from the theatre professionals that they worked with. Our students will have the opportunity to perform at The Theatre by the Lake later this term.

Year 11, 12 and 13 students attended an interesting presentation from the University of Cambridge. Students were encouraged to think about what they wanted for their futures and to be ambitious in their aspirations. Some Year 12 students went on to take part in a workshop with Cambridge University during the afternoon.

Our sixth form open evening was an hugely positive event. More than 200 people came to the presentations in the performance hall and there was a great buzz around the various department displays. The academy was ably represented by our fantastic sixth form students who stayed behind alongside staff to help explain courses to interested students and parents. Our Lead Students also did a great job of their more formal presentations in the performance hall. West Lakes sixth form is the place to study so if you are currently in Year 11 and considering what to do next year, make sure you get your application in to us this term.

Each week the academy leadership group awards lapel badges to students who have demonstrated one of the academy’s values particularly well. This week’s value was achievement and this week’s winners were:

Year 7 Lincoln, Leah & Ryan

Year 9 Niobe

Year 11 Arrow

Year 13 Anna & Jamie

The Principal’s Learner of the Week this week was Year 13 Annabel Hryb.

Well done all!

I ended last week with a tour of the academy, looking at what students were learning in lessons. I was absolutely blown away by my visit to Miss Sanders’ room where I found that Year 13 students have been able to successfully modify bacteria to glow in the dark under UV light. What an amazing achievement! If you’re interested in seeing what this looks like, please check out our Facebook page.